Softmax Regression

Please check quickly, I think it maybe makes all eval wrong.

How do we judge whether $a$ is a function of $b$ or not?
Or we just judge by that we haven’t defined it before, rather than whether $a$ has a relationship with $b$ in reality or not.

Hi @StevenJokes, $y$ is the true label, while $\hat{y}$ is the estimated label. Hence $\hat{y}$ is a function of $o$, while $y$ is not.

I already have understand $y_j$ is the true label, such as one-hot. But the diverce of our thinking is that I think the true label has a certain relationship with $o_j$, so I think $y_j$ is also $o_j$'s function. When we get same $o_j$, we get only one and $y_j$. Doesn’t it conform the defination of function.
But the function is discrete.

As we saw in “Freshness and Distribution Shift”, if production data is different from the data a model was trained on, a model may struggle to perform. To help with this, you should check the inputs to your pipeline.

In 10. Build Safeguards for Models - Building Machine Learning Powered Applications [Book]

Although softmax is a nonlinear function, the outputs of softmax regression are still determined by an affine transformation of input features; thus, softmax regression is a linear model.

Can anyone explain this why is it so? because when we say that a model is linear model , then it means model is linear in the parameter but in softmax regression , we are applying softmax function which is non linear so our model parameter will become non linear.

Just a statistical speaking!

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exercise 1.1

apparrently i copied the answer above, 1.2 the variance is a vector and the j-th element is exactly the form of above which is softmax(0)_j(1-softmax(0)_j)
exercise 3.3 use the squeeze theorem and it’s easy to prove
3.4 softmin could be softmin(-x)? i dont know
3.5 pass (too hard to type on the computer)

In formula 3.4.7,

I couldn’t understand why the later 2 equations are equal, could someone explain a bit more to me? Thanks.

I can’t understand too. :sweat_smile:

Hi @Gavin, great question. A simple answer is:

For more details, please check 22.7. Maximum Likelihood — Dive into Deep Learning 1.0.3 documentation

The simple answer seems to be Tautology.

I have read URL you give.
But I think it didn’t solve this question.
I can’t find anything in it.

@goldpiggy Many thanks! Finally understood it!

Really? @Gavin
What is it related to image ?
Could you explain it?

It’s explained in 3.4.8 :wink: @StevenJokes


just log image to

Hello. I am still not able to understand clearly how these 2 equations are related. Can you please explain, how for a particular observation i, the probability y given x is related to the entropy definition overall classes?

The green thing is same.

Thank you for your response. My question was more specifically why
image is same as

Is this because y when 1-hot encoded has only single position with 1 and hence when we sum up the y * log(y_hat) over the entire class, we are left with the probability y_hat corresponding to true y. Please advise.

l (y,y _ hat)

Cross entropy loss
Only one type of these losses we often use.

Q1.2. Compute the variance of the distribution given by softmax(𝐨)softmax(o) and show that it matches the second derivative computed above.

Can someone point me in the right direction? I tried to use Var[𝑋]=𝐸[(𝑋−𝐸[𝑋])^2]=𝐸[𝑋^2]−𝐸[𝑋]^2 to find the variance but I ended up having the term 1/q^2… it doesn’t look like the second derivative from Q1.1.


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