I would love some insight into problem 6! I can’t make any headway. Loving the book so far. Thanks
I think this post does a good job at discussing Q6
Here are my opinions about the exs.
I close the lot in d2l.Module.
def training_step(self, batch):
l = self.loss(self(*batch[:-1]), batch[-1])
#self.plot('loss', l, train=True)
return l
def validation_step(self, batch):
l = self.loss(self(*batch[:-1]), batch[-1])
#self.plot('loss', l, train=False)
return l
Then I use this code snippet to test lambda from 1 to 10
import numpy as np
data = Data(num_train=100, num_val=100, num_inputs=200, batch_size=20)
trainer = d2l.Trainer(max_epochs=10)
board = d2l.ProgressBoard('lambda')
def accuracy(y_hat, y):
return (1 - ((y_hat - y).mean() / y.mean()).abs()) * 100
def train_ex1(lambd):
model = WeightDecay(wd=lambd, lr=0.01)
trainer.fit(model, data)
y_hat = model.forward(data.X)
acc_train = accuracy(y_hat[:data.num_train], data.y[:data.num_train])
acc_val = accuracy(y_hat[data.num_train:], data.y[data.num_train:])
return acc_train, acc_val
for item in test_lambds:
acc_train, acc_val = train_ex1(item)
board.draw(item, acc_train.to(d2l.cpu()).detach().numpy(), 'acc_train', every_n=1)
board.draw(item, acc_val.to(d2l.cpu()).detach().numpy(), 'acc_val', every_n=1)
The output of accuracy of different lambda goes like this:
I think there may be an analytical solution of lambda if the weights w have already been set after training, and the validation set is fixed, but this procedure gives no credit to any different validation set, so this kind of optimal makes no sense.
I think it doesn’t matter if the lambda is optimal, cause in practice, I can test a set of options and choose one that is good enough to be my lambda.
I think if I can’t narrow gap between training error and generalizing error, there is also a great chance to reach overfitting, so I may use cross validation to make more use on the data I have now.
Regularization adds some limit on the parameters of a model before the training, that is somehow like a prior in Bayesian estimation.
what is a scratch? please define scratch.
I’m seeing a similar L2 norm of the weights between the example without regularization and the example using ‘weight_decay’ in torch.optim.SGD
The examples in the book show this as well, whereas the L2 norm of the weights is 10 times smaller for the WeightDecayScratch
using a lambda of 3.
Why might we expect this?
I am trying to implement weight decay from scratch, however no matter what I set lambda to, I notice the validation loss is always constant. Is there something wrong with my code?
class Data():
def init(self, num_train, num_val, num_inputs, batch_size):
self.batch_size = batch_size
n = num_train + num_val
self.X = torch.randn(n, num_inputs)
noise = torch.randn(n, 1) * .01
w, b = torch.ones((num_inputs, 1)) * .01, .05
self.y = torch.matmul(self.X, w) + b + noise
self.num_train = num_traindef get_trainloader(self): tensorData = TensorDataset(self.X[:self.num_train], self.y[:self.num_train]) return DataLoader(tensorData, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True) def get_testloader(self): tensorData = TensorDataset(self.X[self.num_train:], self.y[self.num_train:]) return DataLoader(tensorData, batch_size = self.batch_size, shuffle = False)
class WeightDecay():
def init(self, num_inputs, lambd, lr):
self.num_inputs = num_inputs
self.lambd = lambd
self.lr = lr
self.net = nn.LazyLinear(1)
self.net.weight.data.normal_(0, .01)
self.net.bias.data.fill_(0)def forward(self, x): return self.net(x) def loss(self, yhat, y): loss_fun = nn.MSELoss()(yhat, y) L2_reg = self.lambd * ((self.net.weight ** 2).sum() / 2) return loss_fun + L2_reg def configure_optimizer(self): return torch.optim.SGD(self.net.parameters(), self.lr, weight_decay=0)
data = Data(num_train=20, num_val=100, num_inputs=200, batch_size=5)
model = WeightDecay(200, lambd=0.1, lr=0.01)
optim = model.configure_optimizer()
train_data = data.get_trainloader()
test_data = data.get_testloader()for i in range(10):
train_loss = 0
for X, y in train_data:
preds = model.forward(X)
lossfun = model.loss(preds, y)
train_loss += lossfun
optim.step()with torch.no_grad(): test_loss = 0 for X, y in test_data: preds = model.forward(X) lossfun = model.loss(preds, y) test_loss += lossfun print(f"Avg loss for epoch {i + 1} on train is {train_loss / len(train_data)}") print(f"Avg loss for epoch {i + 1} on test is {test_loss / len(test_data)}")