Weight Decay


Accidentaly put 0.1 learning rate, and always got nan value for L2 norm of w in scratch implementation. I want to know where would the computation part fail but could not find to get the answer. Anyone know? Thank you.

code please.

Please consider a more general definition for weight decay in this chapter -
you can refer to the findings of - ‘DECOUPLED WEIGHT DECAY REGULARIZATION - Ilya Loshchilov & Frank Hutter’

  1. Experiment with the value of λ in the estimation problem in this section. Plot training and
    test accuracy as a function of λ. What do you observe?

Answer: With growth of lambda coeff of L2 regularization, test error decrease to certain level
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  • Are these the correct answers?
  • Are these the NOT correct answers?
    -09-04 09-53-07|404x500](upload://u7gRfc1EAVn8H8oIB0m0OQ0CVYK.png)
  1. Use a validation set to find the optimal value of λ. Is it really the optimal value? Does this

Answer: Created Train and Holdout set, then split train in to training and test set. Find that Holdout loss is similar to Test after a weight decay become more than 1. In you increase weight decay Holdout and Test loss possibly converge. Maybe it is due to nature how data is generated by d2l.synthetic_data

  1. What would the update equations look like if instead of ∥w∥ 2 we used i |w i | as our penalty
    of choice (L 1 regularization)?

    def lasso_l1(w):
    return (np.abs(w)).sum() / 2

  2. Review the relationship between training error and generalization error. In addition to
    weight decay, increased training, and the use of a model of suitable complexity, what other
    ways can you think of to deal with overfitting?


  1. Cross validation including random sampling
  2. Train on more data
  3. Feature selection
  4. Reduce dimensions with e.g. PCA
  5. For tree based algorithms, play with hyper params like depth, pruning, number of leaves …
  6. Dropout (in the next chapter)