API reference for trainer.fit()

Dear sir,

I notice trainer.fit(model, data) shows a graph for the training and validation accuracy

May I ask where can we get the accuracy value? Can you point me to the API reference for the d2l.Trainer() function? Sorry for the basic question, very new to this software.

Thank you

Hi @harislye! You can look at the API in 20.8. d2l API Document — Dive into Deep Learning 1.0.0-alpha1.post0 documentation
or if you prefer github then d2l-en/d2l at release · d2l-ai/d2l-en · GitHub

There is nothing in the d2l API for Trainer class on how to compute accuracy.
I had the same problem with the LeNet and AlexNet code. It prints a box with graphics, but it does not deliver the most important thing, i.e. the exact value of accuracy. I spent a whole day and night and still I could not figure out how to get that value.
On the other hand, in the example with Fine Tuning of ResNet-18, the accuracy and other values are printed. Nevertheless, the code is different, it uses other d2l.train_chap13 function. Then why do we need the Trainer class?