Information Theory

In the cross-entropy implementation

def cross_entropy(y_hat, y):
ce = -torch.log(y_hat[range(len(y_hat)), y])
return ce.mean()

why are we returning a mean instead of sum?

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Hi @sushmit86, great question! Cross entropy loss is defined as the “expectation” of the probability distribution of a random variable 𝑋, and that’s why we use mean instead of sum.

In my point of view, in one-hot encoding mode (0, 1, …, 0, 0), the y_i = 1 is a probability, and the equation sum_i {-y_i*log(y_hat_i)} is cross-entropy (not mean) as in equation (3.4.8) in the ‘loss function’ subsection of “softmax regression” in chapter 3 “linear neural networks.”

Great article! And it can be slightly improved: Properties of Entropy - fix latex rendering Applications of Mutual Information - fix typo in the 1st sentence: in it pure definition --> its

Is there a typo in equation 19.11.18? If you treat the $E_x$ and $E_y$ as expectations, you wind up with two extra probability terms $p_X(x)$ and $p_Y(y)$, respectively. Then under section, where it says “$I(X, Y)$ is also numerically equivalent with the following terms:” - items 2 and 3 in that list are taking expectations over constants. $D_{KL}$ is a real-valued function so there appears to be no need for the outer expectations.

Can you help me see what I’m missing if I’ve gotten this wrong?

Yes, it seems like a typo to me as well. I am also not sure how they go from equation 19.11.28 to 19.11.29.